Cantwell Lawyers is a national law firm specialising in Insurance Law.
[/fullwidth_text] [fullwidth_text alt_background=”none” el_class=”right-text pos-abs” width=”2/3″ el_position=”last”]Cantwell Lawyers represents the insurers and the insured in product and public liability. The list of accomplishments runs deep, with representation for national suppliers of equipment, to employers, workplaces and building sites.
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[one_half] [list] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Paraplegia and tetraplegia claims – such as a claimant diving into a disused mining quarry which had become a lake.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Agent Orange litigation – arising out of Australian Armed Forces serving in Vietnam.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Agricultural claims – including crops and golf courses.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Falls and injuries – occurring in shopping centres, private corporations and public utilities.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Workplace injury and litigation – for workers and contractors[/list_item][/list] [/one_half][one_half_last] [list] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Industrial equipment suppliers – supplying to worksites, construction sites, and local governments[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Recreational activities – including defending operators of a white water-rafting ride.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Hoteliers and occupiers – in respect to injuries cause by and to their patrons.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Gymnasiums and sporting teams – acting for insurers for both individual and team sports.[/list_item] [list_item icon=”fa-angle-double-right”]Manufacturing processes and labelling – acting for insurers and their insured that went to the Supreme and Federal Courts.[/list_item][/list][/one_half_last] [/spb_parallax]